What Is a Trailing Stop Order?

Nov 13, 2023 |

Order Types

That's correct! A trailing stop order is a dynamic risk management strategy that adjusts in real-time with market fluctuations. It is particularly beneficial in volatile markets where prices can move sharply and quickly. This type of order helps traders manage their positions more effectively by automating the process of securing gains or limiting losses.

When setting a trailing stop order, traders specify the trailing amount, either as a percentage or a fixed dollar amount. This amount is the distance the stop loss will maintain from the current market price. For example, if a trader specifies a trailing stop of $1 on a stock they own that is currently priced at $50, the initial stop loss would be set at $49. If the stock price rises to $55, the trailing stop will also rise, maintaining the $1 distance, and the new stop loss would be adjusted to $54.

It is important to note that while trailing stops can help lock in profits and limit downside risk, they do not guarantee execution at the stop loss price. In a fast-moving market, the actual fill price can be worse than the stop loss price if the market gaps below it or if slippage occurs.

For individuals trading through a platform that allows for API access and allows for the use of custom scripts or bots written in languages like JavaScript with Node.js, it's possible to implement an algorithmic trading strategy that includes trailing stop orders. The script or bot would monitor the market prices, adjust the stop loss levels according to the pre-set trailing parameters, and when necessary, execute trades on behalf of the trader.

To implement such a system, one would need to:

1. Use a trustworthy API provided by the trading platform or broker which allows for fetching real-time market data and executing trades.

2. Write a Node.js script that can connect to the API, track the relevant financial instruments, and calculate the stop loss levels based on the trailing stop rules.

3. Include error handling and ensure that the platform's rate limits are respected, so that the script continues to run smoothly during volatile market conditions.

4. Test the script extensively using historical data and in a sandbox environment, if available, before deploying it with actual funds to minimize risks.

5. Monitor the script (especially during initial deployment) to check for any issues that may arise and interfere with its proper operation.

Do remember that all trading involves risks, and a trailing stop order doesn't entirely remove the risk of losses. It is also crucial to understand that algorithmic trading can include additional risks due to software bugs, connectivity issues, or unexpected market behavior that might not be anticipated by the trading script.

Pros and Cons of Trailing Stop Orders

You've provided some very comprehensive insights into the pros and cons of using trailing stop orders. To complement your analysis, here's some additional detail on both the benefits and potential downsides of trailing stops:


1. **Profit Maximization**: By continually locking in profits as the price moves in a favorable direction, the trailing stop can enable traders to squeeze as much profit as possible from the market moves.

2. **Emotional Discipline**: A trailing stop order can help traders avoid emotional decision-making by setting predetermined exit points.

3. **Protection From Reversals**: If the market suddenly reverses direction, the trailing stop can help safeguard the profits that have been accumulated or at least minimize losses.

4. **Trading Efficiency**: For traders who cannot constantly watch the market, trailing stops can manage exits without needing the trader to be present.

5. **Diversification**: Traders managing several positions at once may find trailing stops beneficial because the stops automatically adjust to market movements, making simultaneous management easier.


1. **Volatility Sensitivity**: In highly volatile markets, trailing stops may be triggered too often, causing traders to exit profitable positions prematurely.

2. **Platform Dependency**: Trailing stop orders usually require traders to be connected to their trading platform, as many trailing stops do not reside on the broker’s server but rather on the trader's computer or within the trading platform.

3. **Cost Considerations**: Depending on the broker's fee structure, the use of trailing stops might lead to increased transaction costs, particularly if the stops result in many small trades rather than fewer strategic ones.

4. **False Security**: Some traders might get a false sense of security, believing their risk is fully managed with a trailing stop. However, no tool can completely eliminate market risk.

Lastly, while trailing stops can be set and adjusted according to the percentage or absolute value, they also need to be managed in light of changing market conditions and volatility. What works as a trailing stop setting in a calm market may be inappropriate for a turbulent one. Therefore, it is crucial for traders to regularly review and modify their strategies to ensure they fit with current market dynamics

Trailing Stop Order Examples

Your examples are correct in illustrating how trailing stop orders work. A trailing stop order helps manage risk by ensuring a trade is closed if the market moves against the currently profitable position. Let's break down the two examples you provided for clarity:

**Stock Example:**

1. Initial stock purchase at $100.

2. Trailing stop set at 10% below the market price.

3. If the stock rises to $110, the new stop loss level becomes $99 (10% below $110).

4. If the stock then increases to $120, the stop loss level adjusts to $108 (10% below $120).

5. Should the stock price decline and hit $108 or less, the trailing stop triggers a sell order.

In this example, the stop loss level trails the highest price achieved and always remains 10% below that peak price.

**Cryptocurrency Example:**

1. Bitcoin initially bought at $50,000.

2. Trailing stop set at 5% below the market price.

3. If Bitcoin increases to $55,000, the new stop loss level becomes $52,250 (5% below $55,000).

4. If Bitcoin appreciates to $60,000, the stop loss level adjusts to $57,000 (5% below $60,000).

5. If Bitcoin's price drops to $57,000 or lower, the trailing stop order triggers a sell.

Again, in this cryptocurrency scenario, as the price of Bitcoin climbs, the stop loss level follows at a consistent distance of 5% below the highest price reached.

Trailing stops are particularly useful in volatile markets, where prices can fluctuate significantly. They allow traders to secure gains or limit losses without needing to manually adjust stop loss orders constantly. Automated trailing stop orders help prevent emotional decisions and can be set according to the trader's risk tolerance and strategy.

Trailing Stop Order vs. Market Stop Order

Yes, you've highlighted the key differences between a trailing stop order and a market stop order accurately. Here's a bit more detail:

**Trailing Stop Order:**

- **Dynamic:** It automatically adjusts the stop loss level when the market price moves in a favorable direction. The trader sets a trailing amount that represents the distance the stop order follows (or 'trails') the market price when it moves favorably.

- **Profit Protection:** Its main use is to protect unrealized gains (profits on paper that have not yet been realized through selling) while providing the flexibility for the position to remain open and potentially gain more profit if the price continues to move favorably.

- **Adaptive:** It allows traders to remain in the market to benefit from potential upward trends without having to continuously monitor and manually adjust their stop loss levels.

**Market Stop Order (also known simply as Stop Order or Stop Loss Order):**

- **Fixed:** The order triggers a sale or purchase of a security when its price moves past a particular point, ensuring that the trade will be executed at the next available market price after the stop price has been reached.

- **Loss Limitation:** It is utilized to limit the potential loss on a position. The stop price does not move and remains static, unlike the trailing stop.

- **Not Adaptive:** Once the market stop order is set at a particular price level, it will not adjust based on market movements. The investor or trader may need to manually adjust the stop loss level if they wish to change it based on new market conditions or strategies.

It's important to note that while a trailing stop order can limit losses, its primary function is often to protect profits rather than to prevent loss from the original purchase price. However, if the market price moves unfavorably from the outset, both a trailing stop order and a market stop order can serve a similar purpose by stopping losses beyond a certain point.

Lastly, when either a trailing stop or a market stop order is triggered, they become market orders. However, depending on market conditions and liquidity, the execution price for these orders can sometimes differ from the stop loss level due to slippage or price gaps. Therefore, neither type of stop order can always guarantee an exact exit price.

The Bottom Line

Yes, you are correct. Trailing stop orders are a strategic tool that can play a key role in a trader's risk management strategy. They are designed to help protect gains by enabling a trade to remain open and continue to profit as long as the price is moving in the favorable direction, but automatically closing the trade if the market price suddenly begins to move in an unfavorable direction by a certain amount.

To further elaborate:

1. **Limiting Losses**: Trailing stops move with the market price at the set trailing amount, allowing traders to limit their losses without setting a hard stop loss, which could be triggered prematurely in regularly fluctuating markets.

2. **No Guarantee For Profit**: While they can indeed help protect profits, they do not guarantee a profit, as the final trade execution price can still be affected by market conditions, especially in fast-moving markets where the price may gap beyond the trailing stop.

3. **Risk of Slippage**: In volatile markets, prices can change so quickly that the stop price could be bypassed, leading to slippage, where the execution price is worse than expected. This is particularly common during major news events or off-hours when liquidity is lower.

4. **Market Gaps**: It's important to remember that trailing stop orders do not protect against price gaps that can occur when the market moves sharply either up or down with little or no trading in between. If the market gaps below the trailing stop loss, the order will be executed at the next available price, which could be substantially worse than the set trailing level.

Using trailing stop orders as part of a disciplined trading strategy can be very effective, but as you mentioned, it is essential for traders to fully understand the risks and mechanics of trailing stops. It's also recommended for traders to use trailing stops in combination with other forms of analysis and trading discipline, such as technical analysis, fundamental analysis, and a well-defined overall trading plan.